Friday, February 6, 2009


Can anyone complete this song:
"He can roll over, he can play dead,
He means no when he shakes his head..."?


Gordon said...

That has to be either Peter the Penguin or "Macaroni the Little Pony"

Gordon said...

Speaking of lyrics, how about the song that goes "You're my pony, you're my pony, you're my pony, you're my pony, you're my pony you're my pony you're my pony you're nobody else's, but my pony...

Dean Strong said...

He taps his hoof to count to three
one, two, threeeeeeeee
Macaroni is the pony for me.

Deanna said...

AS a child, my favorite record in the entire world...
"Here's the little, little circus train, here's the little little circus train, whether the weather is sunny or rain, the circus train is here again!"
It took real talent to compose such poetry!

Natalie Strong said...

I thought you guys would get that one. If you didn't, I would have been shocked.