Monday, July 13, 2009

Charlie married a Gerber.


Kendell said...

I don't recall just when the "first" occurance of this statement happened..... but ....I think that we where sitting around the dinner table visiting upon some subject or an other, when some one.... I think it was Grandpa Strong, said, " Charlie marrid a Gerber" .... totaly off the wall, and totaly off subject. We all looked at each other and started to laugh... we had no clue what he was talking about. I'm sure he did.... ever since then when any one of us says something totally off subject... the apropriate response is...."Charlie married a Gerber"...

Natalie Strong said...

I still do that when Mom and Dad are talking about something I have no clue about.

Gordon said...

As I recall, the phrase began when Dad was at work. When they were on lunch, or something, they were talking among one another. Out of the blue, one of the workers blurted out "Charlie married a Gerber". Dad told us the story, and from then on, it became ours.

Natalie Strong said...

Since Kendell's and Gordon's stories weren't the same, I asked Mom if she remembered how this got started, and Gordon, you were right.

Kendell said...

I always though it was Charlie Clark.....?

Gordon said...

Sorry, Kendell, I looked up on Family Search, and Charlie Clark married a Williams