Thursday, October 30, 2008

Excuse Me!

What did Dad usually say when he burped?


Natalie Strong said...

"Now Maud Thornton can't say I've got gas on my stomach."

Kendell said...

As I recall the story... Maud was one who could "certify" that someone had health problems so that they could receive their disability money. So whoever it was..... would belch..... and declare.... Now Maud Thort can't say ain't got gas on ma stomach...! ..... and the money could keep coming...

Gordon said...

I think the answer as I recall it was "Dow Bod Thort. can't say I ain't got gas on by Stubbick." Gordon

Gordon said...

Here's the answer as I recall it. "Dow Bod Thort can't say I Ain't got gas on by Stubbick." Kendell's explanation is what I was taught. Gordon

Dean Strong said...

Gordon's got it perfect.