Friday, April 24, 2009

Water Tickets


Natalie Strong said...

Dad was Water Master. Yvonne made out most of the tickets and the rest of the kids delivered them.

Gordon said...

Imagine how easy being the Water Master would have been with a computer? Yvonne would have been out of a job.

Remember the colors?
Yellow-East Field
White-Fort & North
Orange-West Field

Were there more?

Kendell said...

I remember Blue....Was there a blue?

Dean Strong said...

I remember passing the hours of summer delivering those wonderful tickets.

Deanna said...

What I remember most about delivering water tickets is DOGS--big, mean, barking dogs, without leashes or fences. Those were the days...

yvonne said...

I remember spending hours when everything didn't come out right and I would have to find my mistake. Dad will remember when I accidently put the wrong date on one of the water tickets. He got a phone call from an unhappy farmer because someone was taking his water. He went up and found out that two people were scheduled at the same time thanks to me.
Thank goodness Dad is a patient man and he didn't give me a bad time.