Wednesday, April 1, 2009

"The" Iron Butterfly

Does anyone remember "The " Iron Butterfly?

Dean: Did you ever go on a trip in the "Iron Butterfly"?

Gordon: Where you on the trip in the "Butterfly"  to Yellowstone?


Gordon said...

Weehawkers, Dingbats, Slink, Heemer, Goat, Hegerhorst, R.I.P., Cattle Crossing, Mouth, Boulder, Hell's Backbone, Need I say more?

Kendell said...

Bull Whip, Clozy Corner, Corn Cob Pipes, Rain, Little Brown Church in the Delle ....

Gordon said...

Rolling Rocks, Fishermen vs Fun, Sunday in Hatch, Sacrament Meeting.
Pshchydelic Paint Job, Scripto.

Dean Strong said...

We took the Iron Butterfly to Flaming Gorge one year, but by then the "Partridge Family on Crack" paint job had been replaced by a conservative dark blue. We had a great time though, that bus always turned a lot of heads.

Gordon said...

Kendell and I were involved in the metamorphosis of the Iron Butterfly from a dilapidated old bus into the precurser of the R.V.
Larry Higley was the Explorer leader and he told us we could paint it any way we wanted if we helped make it into a traveling R.V. We painted it psychelelic colors and wrote the words Iron Butterfly across the top. We then took it on it's maiden voyage down to Escalante, Bryce Canyon, Boulder, and points in between. Those words in the previous comments pertain to various incidents that happened on that trip, most of which have been repented of.

Kendell said...

Do you remember the "Hi-arch-y" of who got to sleep/ride where in the Butterfly?

Gordon said...

I don't remember the heirarchy, but I do remember that I waxs high on the pecking order, and sxpent a lot of time riding shotgun. By the way, what was the name of the creek where we camped and uxsed the bullwhip?

Kendell said...

I don't remember the name of the creek. But, according to the story written by Lynn Broadbent. it was in Fremont Canyon.