Friday, March 13, 2009

What do these remind you of?


Natalie Strong said...

Mom says they remind her of Grandpa Strong. They remind me of Dad.

yvonne said...

In my family we take them with us on long drives. When Richard becomes a tired driver, he snacks on them.

Kendell said...

Definitely Grandpa and Grandma Strong...!

Brenda said...

I was going to say pepto bismol, but I knew that wasn't right!

Gordon said...

Don't forget Frank Bateman. He would slip the deacons a mint as they were passing the sacrament.

Dean Strong said...

I was always glad when grandpa and grandma gave us the pink mints, sometimes they accidentally gave us white rolaids. But with Kendell, maybe it wasn't an accident.

Deanna said...

They also gave us butterscotch disks. Pink mints and butterscotch disks always remind me of Grandma and Grandpa Strong. It seems to me that their kitchen always smelled like bacon in the mornings. Didn't they have a cute little breakfast nook, or something of the sort?

Kendell said...

Baud Thart