Sunday, March 22, 2009

Granite Monument

How did this Monument help us go home early from the "Healey Family Reunion"?


Natalie Strong said...

Kendell, if you didn't want to go to the reunion, why didn't you just say so; you didn't have to run into the monument and cut your head open.

Deanna said...

Love the re-enactments pictures. Thanks for not including the blood!

Dean Strong said...

Aren't there still blood stains on the monument?

Gordon said...

I remember that night well. First, we had to get dressed up in our Sunday shirts. They were white and kind of crinkley. Because of all the hastle getting ready, we were late. As soon as we got out of the car, Kendell had to take one run down the hill to let off a little steam before having to be cooped in the church with a bunch of Healeys. I never understood why we had to socialize with a bunch of Healeys. After all we were Strongs and Whitbys. Little did we realize that most of our friends were also related to the Healeys one way or another. Anyway, I digress. As Kendell ran down the hill, he was looking at his feet, amazed at the speed and power that they were putting out. He neglected to check his navagation, and collided head on into the monument. There was blood, screams, and rejoicing as we realized that we were not going to have to enter the Hall of Healeys. We were all less than disappointed that we had to go back home. I think we were out of our Sunday clothes before Kendell's blood had stopped. If you chack the monument with Luminol, you will still find blood and DNA from Kendell's Kamakazi mission. We will ever be grateful for his sacrifice!

Kendell said...

You are welcome !

Natalie Strong said...

Peter Rabbit has some advice for you Kendell. Here it is:
He comes to grief, however fleet,
Who only watches his flying feet.

Tim Strong said...

That is genuinely funny, Uncle Gordon!
Always willing to take one for the team, eh Dad?