Sunday, June 30, 2013

Guess Who???


Unknown said...

It's good to see the motorcycle has a booster seat!

Brenda said...

You trust him?

Merlynne said...

That's what Mom said when I told her I went for a ride. I told her I had a helmet and jacket, and she said, "But look who's driving".

Kendell said...

I am with you Gordon. I'm just wondering if that Booster seat has a seat belt?

Kendell said...

How was the ride?

Dean Strong said...

Pierced ears and now this?

Unknown said...

It almost looks like she is riding on sidevalks, No?
Vicked! Vicked!

Unknown said...

"I ran into a friend named Mike, Mike no longer has a bike."

Deanna said...

I know I'm probably asking a dumb question, but for the life of me, I can't figure out who the guy is that's driving the bike. I'm sure the helmet is throwing me off, but who is it?

Merlynne said...

The driver is Leisa's husband, Michael Frost. He wanted to take me for a ride through some of the rural area of Missouri. It was beautiful. I took lots of pictures for Mom to see, but I never got to show them to her. I also don't think she noticed my pierced ears.
Vicked! Vicked! Clip-on earrings are almost impossible to find anymore, so I decided to be daring. I guess I'm a "vild voman".

Merlynne said...

FYI - No seatbelts--just armrests.
Very comfortable.

Deanna said...

Yep...the helmet definitely threw me off. Now I know why Mom was concerned. And it's a good thing she never noticed your pierced ears. You're the only sister to join the ranks of those wild women with body piercings. I love it that you wanted them pierced so you could wear earrings to the temple. That's just the best!