Thursday, September 3, 2009

Backyard Visitors

"How do you get on these swings?" "I don't know, let's go play in that tree over there."

"I don't see a ladder, do you?" "No, I guess we better go."

"How do we get over this fence?" "I don't think that is the way we came in."


Deanna said...

Too bad you didn't give the chickens a ride on the swings. Where did they come from?

Amy E. said...

Yah,where did the chickens come from? My best friend has chickens and they are always trying to talk me into taking some. I think we'll continue to just come visit. :)

Natalie Strong said...

I think they belong to some people that live on main street. I think their chickens crossed main street and came to our neighbors and then walked to the back of our neighbors and into our yard. I hope they made it home in one piece.