Monday, June 22, 2009

Two Little Girls

Who remembers the song about "Once there lived side by side two little girls. I can't remember all of it. Help


Natalie Strong said...

One day a quarrel came
Hot tears were shed.
"You can't play in my yard."
But the other one said,
"I don't want to play in your yard.
I don't like you anymore.
You'll be sorry when you see me
Sliding down my cellar door.
You can't holler down my rain barrel.
You can't climb my apple tree.
I don't want to play in your yard,
If you won't be good to me."
That's all I can remember -- Mom

yvonne said...

I know that song is in one of old books of collections of songs that I used to play out of in the music drawer. I think it was called, "I Don't Want to Play in Your Yard"